Friday, January 8, 2010

@ 6 months!

When our baby boy was 6 months, he amazes us for at this stage he already knows how to control his hands. That is enough to pull an object towards him. He can grab a toy and starts moving it from one hand to another. He can sit without support and can crawl very fast. He began rolling over at 3 months and can even appreciate the color red. Whenever he sees a color red, he will touch and stare at it the whole time.
And imagine this, at only 6 months, our baby knows how to stand. Yes, he knows how to stand. That was the moment when I held both his hands and he starts standing without us realizing it.
He really amaze us!
We noticed that he develops rapidly at this stage. Can you imagine a baby can stand at 6 months? Pretty amazing isn't it?
His communication skills are expanding rapidly too, including squeals, babbling sounds and he even imitates us whenever we are shouting. He even knows how to say "mama" and "baba" over and over again.
And so when the time his tooth came out without us noticing it, he didn't feel any dreadful pain. He doesn't have any symptoms like a baby normally experience. Now, he likes to stand everyday whenever hes awake. He is a hyper yet energetic baby. He is mistakenly identified as a 1 year old at this stage because of how he rapidly develops.
People are amaze with our baby.
They say that we should be proud because he is a well develop baby, and as parents we are proud. He makes us laugh and melts our lives and brings us joy.

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