Sunday, February 7, 2010

The notebook

Not so long ago, I found a letter that shocked me. I was shocked to find out that the letter was
was written on my husband's notebook. It was oh so secret that was actually written at the
last page of his notebook. I didn't asked him what it was about. I just pretended like it was
not there.

This is what it says:

I never thought he has such thoughts. This is not the first time he has written me a letter.
He has written me a bunch of letters before but this shocked me. I never thought that
I was that kind of girlfriend to him. He was so silent about it. The thought of it just
makes me feel sorry. He was so good to me, so sincere and so loving. He is not the man
who is verbal about this sorts of things. Right until now I kept the letter and didn't bother to
tell him. Why would I? It was kinda sweet and sincere. If you were to find a letter like this. What
would be your reaction?


Saturday, February 6, 2010

A happy toe

It was late last year when I was suffering from the horrible ingrown toenail infection. It was dreadfully painful. I almost cried whenever it was bumped into a wall or whenever it was accidentally stepped on. I didn't trimmed my toenail because I was afraid it might get infected. And trimming it would be such a pain on the butt.
After watching a movie last night with my husband, I decided not to prolong the agony I was experiencing. I got me a nail cutter and a cuticle remover which helped me a lot. Actually it was a lifesaver because as I was trimming my toenail I didn't experienced any pain at all.
Actually, my husband was the one who advised me to use a cuticle remover before trimming off my toenail. I was relieved and very happy although there was blood in the entire nail.
As crazy as it sounds, but I kept the nail inside my jewelry box as a souvenir that I was brave enough to trim the infected toenail and didn't need a doctor to settle for a surgery.

Friday, February 5, 2010

8 happy months

Happy 8th monthsary birthday to my one and only angel, DJ. DJ is turning 8 months today. Hugs and kisses are two of the things we gave him. Aside from the delicious grilled chicken my husband bought.
He is all grown-up and we parents even his grandparents are so proud of him. My mom was the first who greeted DJ a happy birthday. Not that we forgot but we were just too exhausted from last night. Aside from the fact that we werent able to finish the movie last night, DJ just wouldnt sleep again. Yes, he is just a trouble sleeper i guess.
This is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun and I hope you will enjoy every trip. We wish you a whole lot of happiness and full of exciting surprises to come. Happy 8th monthsary birthday to you my son and we will be looking forward for your first ever birthday this year.
We love you...!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Negative can be positive sometimes

Early this morning we went to the hospital to get the result of Dj's medical findings. I was scared a bit of the result. I took a bath early and so was DJ. When I think of the result it leave me a short of breath. My heart keeps on pounding like it was going to explode. I whisper to GOD that the result would be negative. Its not that easy to deal with this kind of problem especially if DJ's involved.

My husband took a sample of DJ's stool the other day and rushed immediately to the laboratory because it has a time limit of 30mins. And so there was, we waited for two hours for the result. And decided to get the result early this morning. As we enter into the hospital, I realized that every bed is like a parked taxi with the meter running. That is no place to be sick.

As I enter the laboratory, the lady gave me the result. It was a blue folded paper. I Unfolded the blue paper and read each word at a time. I was happy by the word "NEGATIVE" for the first time in my life. Sometimes in our lives we need to appreciate that word because its not so bad after all. Negative can be positive sometimes.

I was relieved and happy with the result. Dj is negative with amoebiasis after all. I was a mom floating with joy and happiness. So there I was, smiling like there was no tomorrow. The word "NEGATIVE" really made my day.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Biggest Fanatic

It was year 2001 when Nicolodeon first aired spongebob squarepants. Yes, spongebob just turned ten years older last year. And it was that year also when I Became interested to watch the cartoon. I like the idea of every episode because for me its not a typical cartoon. Every character is unique. Especially spongebob and his pineapple house. Imagine a pineapple under the sea?
I have already watched it a hundred times already. I have spongebob collectibles that my husband bought. He bought all of my collectibles because he knows how much I love spongebob. He also loves to watch it. Actually, we both love to watch it. He downloaded all the complete episodes of spongebob and even bought the CD's. Its my all time favorite cartoon and Im still waiting for a new episode this year.
And one more thing, I wish I have all of these...


My eyes just turned green when I saw this...
This would definitely light up my day...

I know I'm not a fan of sneakers except for this one... I would love to wear this everywhere.

C to the O Z Y...

I'm green with envy again... (huhuhu)

If I were made to choose for a diamond ring and this one, it would be foolish not to choose this... I'm dying to have this!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Laughter the best medicine

It was a lazy afternoon when me and Dj had nothing to do...and so I played with him. He laughed so hard that I took some of his pictures. It was fun being with him. Its a big thrill when I hear him laugh. His laugh sure made my day complete.

Every positive reactions to his cute peals of laughter will let him know that he is truly making a joyful noise. Every time Im making funny faces, he will just laugh at me the whole time. His all time favorite game is "peekaboo",where I disappear and reappear (by surprise).

Just set aside all your inhibitions and play with him. Think of any games that your baby will like to play. This will definitely brighten up both your days. When your baby starts giggling you cant resist giggling with him too. There's nothing makes parents smile than the sound of their baby's laugh.

All smiles! Everyone loves to see a baby's laughter.

Dj and his stomach

We just got back from the doctor this afternoon to thoroughly examine Dj's condition. It has been 3 days since he vomited and had a terrible diarrhea. We didn't know what are the causes of his condition until his doctor said that it might be from the things that he put in his mouth recently. Dj just got his first teeth and has been putting things in his mouth and start rubbing it in his teeth.

The doctor prescribed medicine to help support Dj's condition. She said to examine Dj's stool to know if its amoebiasis. Antibiotics has not been prescribed yet until further result of his stool. We've been wandering from one pharmacy to another to find the said prescribed medicine. Unfortunately, we didnt get the chance to find his vitamins. But the two of the most important medicine were bought.

We need to go to the laboratory tomorrow to thoroughly examine his stool if its the case of amoebiasis. And I hope not. I hope that he will be better soon. As a mother, seeing your baby suffer from this condition is truly heartbreaking.

You will be better Dj, nana, tata, mamala, and papalo are here for you no matter what. And most especially Papa Jesus.